Zakharchenko Dmitry Dmitrievich



Place of work

Department of Physical Education and Sports of F. Skorina GSU

General information

Was born on September 23, 1977 in Mozyr.


In 1994 he graduated from the Grodno Olympic Reserve School. In 2000 he graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University.

Professional way

Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling. Two-time winner of the European freestyle wrestling championships. Currently works as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education and Sports. Conducts practical classes in physical culture and sectional classes in football, kettlebell lifting, as well as classes in the athletic gymnastics group on a paid basis. He is a curator at the Faculty of Physical Education and is responsible for the team of the University in kettlebell lifting.

Disciplines taught

Physical education

Scientific interests

Research in the field of the influence of processes of urgent and long-term adaptation to labor and sports activities. Author of over 35 scientific and scientific-methodical works.


Advanced training at the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel EE "GGU named after F. Skorina" from 21.03.2016. to 01.04.2016

Main publications

1.Bondarenko K.K. Increasing the level of the backbone strength of students in grades 8-9 of a comprehensive school / Zakharchenko D.D., Kovalenko A.N., Pinsky P.N., Korshuk M.M. // Austria-science, No. 12, Part 2, 2018- P.24-28.

2.Bondarenko A.E. Influence of lessons with medical physical culture on motor activity of children affecting cerebral paralych / Bondarenko K.K., Zakharchenko O.A., Martinovich S.V., Zakharchenko D.D. // The scientific heritage, Hungary, No. 19, P.3 (2018) - P.34-40.

3.Sports martial arts (freestyle wrestling, judo): a practical guide / Pirogov S.B., Zakharchenko D.D., Lapitskaya L.A .; Gomel state University named after F. Skorina. - Gomel: "GGU named after F. Skorina", 2019. - 39 p.

4. Zakharchenko O.A. The use of yoga in physical education classes as a means of physical activity and psychological unloading of students / Zakharchenko D.D. // "Physical culture and sports in the system of higher education." Materials of the VII Int. scientific method. conf. / editorial board: N.A. Krasulina et al. - Ufa: USPTU Publishing House, 2019. - 337 p. 54-59.

5.Zakharchenko O.A., Zakharchenko D.D. Analysis of psychological states in sports / “Modern problems of sports, physical education and adaptive physical culture: materials of the V international scientific-practical conference. (Donetsk, February 21, 2020) / ed. Yu.A. Dotsenko; IFKS. - Donetsk, 2020 .-- p. 333-338.

6. Blashkevich A.V., Kovalev D.A., Zakharchenko D.D., Valynets N.M. The development of physical qualities in physical education lessons by means of playing football / Physical education and sports in the system of higher education: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific method. conf. / March 20, 2020 / rarely .: N.A. Krasulina and others - Ufa: Publishing house of USPTU, 2020.- 329 p. - P.52-58.

7.Zakharchenko O.A., Zakharchenko D.D. Monitoring students' awareness in the field of healthy lifestyles / Physical culture and sports in the higher education system: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific method. conf. / March 20, 2020 / editorial board: N.A. Krasulina and others - Ufa: USPTU Publishing House, 2020.- 329 p. - P.97-102.

8.Zakharchenko O.A., Zakharchenko D.D. Problems of patriotic education of modern youth / "Improving the system of training at the university: directions and technologies", materials of the XII International Scientific Internet Conference, November 18-19, 2020. - Grodno. p.302-304.

9.Zakharchenko O.A., Zakharchenko D.D. The effectiveness of the use of gymnastics for the eyes as a prophylactic agent in physical education classes / Collection of materials international. scientific method. conference "Sports of the highest achievements: Integration of science and practice": / editorial board: N.А. Krasulina et al. - Ufa: USPTU Publishing House, 2018.

10. Martinovich S.V., Zakharchenko D.D. Pedagogical creativity and innovative approaches of young teachers of physical culture / Collection of materials regional. scientific. conf. young scientists "Modern problems of physical culture, sports and youth" February 28, 2018 / ed. A.F. Syrovatskaya. - Churapcha: ChGIFKiS, 2018.S. 314-316.