Serdyukova Elena Nikolaevna



Place of work

Department of Physical Education and Sports of F. Skorina GSU

General information

Born on June 13, 1967 in Gomel.


In 1984 she graduated from secondary school No. 46 in Gomel. In 1990 she graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Gomel State University.

Professional way

Candidate Master of Sports in Fencing. From 1998 to the present, he has been working as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education and Sports. Conducts practical exercises in physical education at the Faculty of Economics and Biology. He is a member of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union of the University, annually leads student teams to work in summer camps in the Russian Federation. She took part in organizing and conducting the Sozhski Karagod festival, as well as events dedicated to May 1 and the City Day.

Disciplines taught

Physical education

Scientific interests

Research in the field of automated pedagogical control of physical education of students. Author of over 65 scientific and scientific-methodical works.


She underwent advanced training at the "Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel" of the F.Skorina State University since 250.02.2019. until 07.03.2019

Main publications

  1. Combat sports. Special course. Part 2. Greco-Roman wrestling. Boxing: a practical guide / Pirogov S.B., Lapitskaya L.A., Serdyukova E.N .; - Gomel: Gomel state. un-t them. F. Skaryna, 2020 .-- 34 p.
  2. Serdyukova E.N. Sport and doping: the problem of doping in modern sport / Modern problems of theory, methods of physical culture and sports. materials of the II int. scientific-practical. conf. (Alchevsk, April 24, 2020) / ed. Prof. Belykh S.I .; DonSTU. - Alchevsk, 2020. - P.67-75.
  3. Baranov D.V., Martinovich S.V., Serdyukova E.N. Conditions affecting aerobic performance among students of the main department in physical culture lessons / Innovative scientific research in the modern world: theory, methodologists, practice: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical conference, October 9, 2020 - Ufa, 2020 .-- S. 180-185.
  4. Serdyukova E.N., Volochkova E. Popularization of spiritual and moral values ​​in society as the basis of patriotic education of young people / "Improving the system of training at the university: directions and technologies", materials of the XII International Scientific Internet Conference, November 18-19, 2020. - Grodno. p. 326-328.
  5. Serdyukova E.N., Volochkova E. Preservation of health and a healthy lifestyle / "Improving the system of training at the university: directions and technologies", materials of the XII International Scientific Internet Conference, November 18-19, 2020. - Grodno. p. 152-155.
  6. Serdyukova E.N., Sakovich P.P. Actual problems of sports training / II European Games - 2019: psychological, pedagogical and medico-biological aspects of training athletes.Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Minsk BSUFK, 2019 April 4-5. In 4 parts. Part 4, p. 348-352.
  7. Serdyukova E.N. Sport and doping: the problem of doping in modern sport / Problems of physical culture of the population living in conditions of unfavorable environmental factors [Electronic resource] XIII International scientific-practical conference. (Gomel, October 10-12, 2019): materials / Gomel state. un-t them. F. Skaryna; editorial board: G. I. Narskin [and others]. - Electron.text. Dan. (2.53 MB). -. C.219-223.
  8. Serdyukova E.N. Self-assessment of health by students of the Faculty of Economics of GSU / Journal of Vesnik Mazyrskaga dzyarzhaunaga pedagogue ўniversitetaimya I. P. Shamyakina. - Mozyr: UO MGPU im. , 2018. - No. 2 (51). - S. 74-78.
  9. Serdyukova E.N. Use of innovations in the hospitality industry / Collection of materials "YOUTH-SCIENCE - IX: Development of tourism, hospitality and sports in the context of improving the level and quality of life of the population: Materials of All-Russia. scientific-practical conf. students, graduate students and young scientists ", Sochi, April 19 - 21, 2018 / otv. ed. Doctor of Economics, prof., S.V. Grinenko. - Sochi: RIC FSBEI VO "SSU", 2018. Part 3 - P. 85-87.
  10. Serdyukova E.N., Denisova M.N. conferences. - Kharkiv: KhDAFK, April 21, 2017, pp. 218-223.