Khimakov Vitaly Viktorovich


Senior Lecturer

Place of work

Department of Physical Education and Sports of F. Skorina GSU

General information

Born on July 4, 1966 in Gomel.


In 1983 he graduated from high school №46. In 1987 he graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education "Gomel State University", as well as the Faculty of Law in 1997.



Professional way

Master of Sports of the USSR in fencing. Bronze medalist of the CS "Burevestnik" 84 in the team, the winner of the championship of the Spartakiad of universities (in the team). He worked as a teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports from 1987 to 1997. In the second specialty ("Jurisprudence") he worked in the state control bodies of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the leadership of the basketball team "Spartak Confectioner" LLC "Basketball club" Gomel Lynx ".

Currently works as a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports. Conducts practical classes in physical education with students of the Faculty of Law, as well as the Faculties of Physics and Information Technology and the Faculty of Biology. Leads a paid group in the table tennis and fencing sections. Exposes the teams of this faculty for participation in the championship of the city of Gomel, the university. For several years he was the curator of study groups at the Faculty of Law. Since 2007, he has been responsible for mass sports work at the Faculty of Law.

Disciplines taught

Physical education, fencing, table tennis.

Scientific interests

Development of educational and training programs that increase the physical fitness of students involved in the main department. Author of over 60 scientific and scientific-methodical works.


Passed an internship at the educational institution "BSU" (Minsk) from 03.12.2018. until 08.12.2018

Main publications

1.Foundations of fencing: a practical guide / V.V. Khimakov, E.A. Fedorovich, E.N. Serdyukova // Gomel State. University named after F. Skorina. - Gomel: Skorina State University, 2019 .-- 37 p.

(2) Khimakov, V.V. Adaptive sports as a step towards a social state / Modern problems of theory, methods of physical culture and sports. materials of the II int. scientific-practical. conf. (Alchevsk, April 24, 2020) / ed. Prof. Belykh S.I .; DonSTU. - Alchevsk, 2020. - S. 145-151.

3. Khimakov, V.V. Problems of patriotic education, ideological and educational work with youth / "Improving the system of training at the university: directions and technologies", materials of the XII International Scientific Internet Conference, November 18-19, 2020. - Grodno. p. 342-345.

4. Grishchenko, A. V. Improvement of the process of training athletes / A.V. Grishchenko, V.V. Khimakov, O. N. Kovaleva // Theoretical and methodological problems of modern education: collection of mater. X All-Russian scientific-practical. Confer. / Sterlitamak, 2019 .-- pp. 378-382.

5.Khimakov, V.V. Innovative technologies in tourism / V.V. Khimakov // II Europe. Games - 2019: psychologist-teacher. and a medical biologist. aspects of training athletes: international. scientific-practical conf. / Minsk, 2019. - С.316-319.

6. Grishchenko, A. V. Aspects of development and functioning of the educational system / A.V. Grishchenko, V.V. Khimakov // Modern education: Continuity and continuity of the educational system "school - university - enterprise": XII international. scientific method. conf. / Gomel, 2019. - S.870-873.

7.Khimakov, V.V. The history of the formation of military education / "Improving the system of training at the university: directions and technologies", materials of the XII International scientific Internet conference, November 18-19, 2020. - Grodno. p. 414-416.

(8) Khimakov, V.V. The use of modern technologies in the field of physical culture and sports / The current state and ways of development of the system of continuous professional education in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, May 17, 2019 / editorial board. : MB Yuspa (chief editor), A. L. Smotritsky (deputy chief editor) [and others]; Belarusian. state un-t physical culture. - Minsk: BGUFK, 2019 .-- p. 266-270.

9.Khimakov V.V. Psychological training of the fencer / Collection of materials of the international. scientific method. conference "Sports of the highest achievements: Integration of science and practice": / editorial board: N.А. Krasulina et al. - Ufa: USPTU Publishing House, 2018. - pp. 119-122.

10. Fedorovich E.A., Khimakov V.V. Trends in the development of modern tourism / Collection of materials regional. scientific. conf. young scientists "Modern problems of physical culture, sports and youth" February 28, 2018 / ed. A.F. Syrovatskaya. - Churapcha: ChGIFKiS, 2018.S. 482-485.